Johnston MJ, Nikolic A, Ninkovic N, Guilhamon P, Cavalli FMG, Seaman S, Zemp FJ, Lee J, Abdelkareem A, Ellestad K, Murison A, Kushida MM, Coutinho FJ, Ma Y, Mungall AJ, Moore R, Marra MA, Taylor MD, Dirks PB, Pugh TJ, Morrissy S, St Croix B, Mahoney DJ, Lupien M, Gallo M. High-resolution structural genomics reveals new therapeutic vulnerabilities in glioblastoma. Genome Res. 2019 Aug;29(8):1211-1222. - Stand Up To Cancer


Posted January 21, 2020

Johnston MJ, Nikolic A, Ninkovic N, Guilhamon P, Cavalli FMG, Seaman S, Zemp FJ, Lee J, Abdelkareem A, Ellestad K, Murison A, Kushida MM, Coutinho FJ, Ma Y, Mungall AJ, Moore R, Marra MA, Taylor MD, Dirks PB, Pugh TJ, Morrissy S, St Croix B, Mahoney DJ, Lupien M, Gallo M. High-resolution structural genomics reveals new therapeutic vulnerabilities in glioblastoma. Genome Res. 2019 Aug;29(8):1211-1222.


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