Stand Up To Cancer works relentlessly to offer the newest, most effective, and most promising cancer treatments to patients quickly by bringing together the best minds to collaborate, innovate, and share cancer research.
Stand Up To Cancer enables scientific breakthroughs by funding collaborative, multidisciplinary, multi-institutional scientific cancer research teams and investigators. Thanks to the support of our dedicated partners and the entertainment community, SU2C is able to bring widespread attention to cancer research and treatments.
Research is changing the way cancer is being treated. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, a clinical trial may offer access to the latest and most promising science, while helping to light the path for future survivors.
We understand the challenges a diagnosis can bring. Browse through our list of patient and caregiver resources to help you throughout your cancer journey, and learn more about clinical trials.
Stand Up To Cancer was created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will get promising new cancer treatments to patients quickly. We won’t stop until every cancer patient is a long-term cancer survivor.
Koyama S, Akbay EA, Li YY, Aref AR, Skoulidis F, Herter-Sprie GS, Buczkowski KA, Liu Y, Awad MM, Denning WL, Diao L, Wang J, Parra-Cuentas ER, Wistuba II, Soucheray M, Thai TC, Asahina H, Kitajima S, Altabef A, Cavanaugh JD, Rhee K, Gao P, Zhang H, Fecci PE, Shimamura T, Hellmann MD, Heymach JV, Hodi FS, Freeman GJ, Barbie DA, Dranoff G, Hammerman PS, Wong K-K. STK11/LKB1 Deficiency Promotes Neutrophil Recruitment and Proinflammatory Cytokine Production to Suppress T-cell Activity in the Lung Tumor Microenvironment. Cancer Res. 2016 Mar 1;76(5):999-1008.