Manchado E, Weissmueller S, Morris JP 4th, Chen CC, Wullenkord R, Lujambio A, de Stanchina E, Poirier JT, Gainor JF, Corcoran RB, Engelman JA, Rudin CM, Rosen N, Lowe SW. A combinatorial strategy for treating KRAS-mutant lung cancer. Nature. 2016 Jun 30;534(7609):647-51. - Stand Up To Cancer


Posted October 8, 2019

Manchado E, Weissmueller S, Morris JP 4th, Chen CC, Wullenkord R, Lujambio A, de Stanchina E, Poirier JT, Gainor JF, Corcoran RB, Engelman JA, Rudin CM, Rosen N, Lowe SW. A combinatorial strategy for treating KRAS-mutant lung cancer. Nature. 2016 Jun 30;534(7609):647-51.


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