Inspirational Story Q&A: Catherine Mazzullo - Stand Up To Cancer


Posted May 26, 2020

Inspirational Story Q&A: Catherine Mazzullo

“Knowing that Dom has already faced colon cancer makes me wary of how being exposed to COVID-19 could impact his health.” – Catherine Mazzullo, wife and caregiver

1. What are you doing to stay safe right now?
We’re doing great and staying safe at home. My husband Dominic is a stage four colon cancer survivor, and this situation is nothing like we’ve ever seen before. We’ve tried to move any medical appointments we can to telehealth and I’ve been doing the grocery shopping. We’ll remain cautious until we know it’s safe to go out in public again.

2. What is the hardest part about being a caregiver to someone who may be immunocompromised?
Dominic and I have been married for almost 40 years. He’s my everything, so I feel extremely responsible for his care. Sometimes that means making sure we do what’s best for his health even when it’s not easy to get through. I always tell him, “What happens to you, happens to me,” and I know he feels the same. We’re in this together.

3. What advice would you have for a loved one caring for someone who is newly diagnosed?
Find your inner strength to do what’s right by your loved one and do it kindly. As a caregiver, you have the tendency to want to put your needs aside, but you have to take care of yourself too and lean on others for support when you need it.

4. What gives you hope?
I look at what these genius researchers have done for cancer patients up to this point and I’m in awe. I will always be wary of Dom’s cancer returning, but I feel comforted knowing there is research that continues making advances, improving patient outcomes, and saving lives.


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